
Isolation of energy sources - LOTO and LOTOTO
If you’re a manufacturing or engineering company that works with plant or large/complex machinery, you’ll probably have a LOTO, or Lock Out Tag Out, system in place. LOTO systems are an essential element of any safety system as they ensure energy sources are isolated for operators and engineers when carrying out routine/non routine tasks, maintenance or repair activities.
If you use work equipment and don’t have a LOTO system in place – your really should!
We also work with companies that take LOTO and go one step further. Yes, folks, another acronym to learn… LOTOTO.
We love this system, it really works.

We’ve taken Lock Out Tag Out and added Try Out. This further step ensures that once you’ve isolated your energy sources you try to operate the machine to test the isolation has worked – further reducing the risk to your staff.
We’ve recently completed a major project with a global leader in the packaging sector to help them evolve their LOTOTO policy and audit their manufacturing/warehousing sites for conformance to it. They’ve proved the concept works and, more importantly, that it’s manageable while continuing to meet production targets and effectively servicing the needs of their customers. It's safer and more efficient. How’s that for success!
How can we help you?
If you have a LOTO system in place and want an external audit to check where you’re at, and if it’s working as you expect, we will come in and measure your performance.
If you have – or want to develop – a LOTOTO system, we will work with you to develop it further and audit it’s performance across your business.
We’ll agree with you the ‘what’, ‘how’, and ‘when’:
what’s in scope – what machines and equipment are to be assessed;
how we’re going to measure your performance – the criteria we’ll measure you against and how we’ll report it, and;
when we’ll conduct each assessment – the project plan for completion of the audits.
LOTO/LOTOTO systems are an essential part of managing the risk of injury or harm to your staff working on and around equipment.
So, give us a call and let’s talk about how we can make your workplace the safest it can be.